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Sunwoda Energy Technology at The Solar Show Africa 2023 to Help South Africa's Energy Transition

Apr 28,2023

On April 25, the 2-day Solar Show Africa was grandly opened at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg, and Sunwoda Energy Technology showcased its home storage solutions to provide sustainable solutions for renewable energy construction in South Africa.

sunwoda energy in The Solar Show Africa

The Solar Show Africa was founded in 1998 and has been successfully held for 25 sessions. It is currently one of the largest and most influential solar and power industry events in South Africa, with exhibitors from all continents participating every year.

Home Energy Storage Solutions Continuously Empowering South Africa's Green Development

South Africa is located at the southernmost tip of the African continent and is known as the "Rainbow Nation". As the second largest economy in Africa, South Africa has a high standard of living and is well-developed in the financial, legal, communications, energy, and transport sectors.

However, for nearly half a century, coal has been the main source of energy supply for South Africa. According to data released by the South African Council for Science and Industry, coal-fired power generation accounted for more than 80% of South Africa's electricity supply as of the first half of 2022. Over the past few years, South Africa has experienced power outages of varying degrees, and the country's power crisis needs to be addressed. In response to this critical situation, Sunwoda Energy Technology has applied its over 20 years of practical and technical experience to bring efficient energy storage solutions to local customers.

The SunESS home energy storage system is an innovative product that combines the product design concepts of high efficiency, reliability, and intelligence. It uses cutting-edge lithium battery storage systems with long life and high quality. The system has the advantages of a small number of devices, a small footprint, exquisite appearance, and applicability to all scenarios, providing a stable and reliable power supply in areas far from the grid coverage and effectively solving the problem of difficult local energy supply.

sunwoda residential energy storage system SunESS

At the event, a large number of visitors stopped by the booth to inquire about the performance and operation of the products and discuss the new opportunities for the development of the new energy industry in South Africa, and affirmed the professionalism of Sunwoda Energy Technology in the energy field and the technical advantages of the products.

sunwoda energy in The Solar Show Africa

As one of the early Chinese enterprises to enter the South African market, Sunwoda Energy Technology has helped many local families to get rid of their electricity difficulties, allowing them to learn to use "PV + storage" to store green electricity on a land with an average of 2500 hours of sunshine per year.

South African Market Has Great Potential in Building the Green "Belt and Road" Together

In recent years, the South African government has taken various measures to encourage private enterprises to develop clean energy generation projects. Sunwoda Energy Technology has been deeply implementing the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, actively responding to the "Go Global" strategy, and supporting the development and utilization of clean energy in countries along the Belt and Road. In order to promote the development of South Africa's new energy market and to meet the local demand for PV energy storage, we have developed a number of energy storage projects in the region according to local conditions.

Under this wave of global energy transformation, South Africa, as the wind vane of the African market, is trying to promote the adjustment of energy structure and power generation system. Sunwoda Energy Technology will continue to provide services to the local market with quality products and solutions and actively promote the high-quality development of Africa's green energy industry.

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